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Personal Project


ReviewGet is a web application for collecting product reviews on Amazon listings. This personal project is inspired by the Review Collection Form and Review Program of the UNALTERED Services.

The application provides Amazon sellers with the tools needed for successful rating and review growth on their product listings. In addition, it gives buyers the opportunity to receive free or discounted products in exchange for their honest product feedback.


Reviews are the lifeline of Amazon, and are the #1 reason a product will convert to sales. Unless you are a major brand with a massive customer base, it is nearly impossible to scale a brand new product from scratch with no reviews. Although Amazon gives customers a chance to review the product they purchased, it is not incentivized enough. Research shows more people are willing to leave negative feedback versus positive. This could lead to an uneven ratio of negative reviews, even when the product is working for most of its customers.

This is the main problem ReviewGet seeks to solve. ReviewGet allows brands to create their own incentives for leaving feedback of their product. Sellers create their own forms that are integrated with their Amazon and Shopify accounts via API. They are able to customize incentives for different products, whether its a free product, discount code, gift card, or the customer’s choice. The form collects the customer’s information and product feedback, then sends them to Amazon to post the review on the listing itself.

The ability to create and run multiple forms allows brands to A/B test different incentives to see which converts best for their customers. In the dashboard for brands, sellers can view analytics about the forms such as drop-off rates, rating ratios, cost breakdowns, and more.


To Alpha (v0.1)

  • ✔️ User authentication
  • ✔️ Base dashboard layout and design
  • ✔️ Shopify app integration
  • ✔️ Amazon Marketplace app integration
  • ❌ Form creation process
  • ❌ Form interface and design